Ad Sample 5

Located in the heart of Southeast Saskatchewan, Weyburn is called “The Opportunity City”.  A community steeped in culture and history, Weyburn celebrated it’s Centennial in 2013.  Generations have laid down roots, raised their families, and built prosperity for themselves and the next generation.  Weyburn is home, whether your family were original settlers or you arrived only recently.  Weyburners love where they live, and they will be happy to shake your hand and tell you why you just might want to think about making it your home too.

Premier Safety Services
Oxbow, SK

SBCA Training and Supervision on site

We offer yearly maintenance on SCBA, SABA, Fire Extinguishers and H2S Monitors

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My goal is not to be better than anyone else, but to be better than I used to be. – Wayne Dyer